Soaking in the Blue Lagoon

June 25, 2017

Blue Lagoon

Well folks, I did it. I soaked in the ever-intriguing and mystifying Blue Lagoon. It was beautiful, it was peaceful, it was a ripoff. It was all the things.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Blue Lagoon, then here’s their promo video:

I had to book my time slot a few days before since they sell out quickly, especially in the summer months. The whole checking-in process was very smooth. I got my bracelet/key that corresponded to my locker, I got my towel, and away I went!

As I began to switch from clothes to my bathing suit in the locker rooms, I was immediately reminded of how freaking cold Iceland is. I’m basically cold all the time, so putting on my swimsuit wasn’t exactly a thrill.

Before you can dip into the Blue Lagoon, they ask that you wash yourself off in the showers first. So now I was 100% soaked and about to expose myself to the harsh Iceland summer (can we even call it a summer??). I basically wanted to run into the geothermal bath.

But like the sophisticated adult that I am, I casually waded into the water like I wasn’t a shivering chihuahua.

Blue Lagoon

The water was pretty perfect. The temperature ranges between 97-100 degrees, but I definitely hunted down those warm pockets like a woman with a metal detector. I found the hottest part of the lagoon, and remained there for the duration of my stay. I was sitting with my eyes closed when a woman passed by and whispered to her friend, “that girl found the hot pocket. It’s way too hot. I could never sit there.”

Some like it hot. And then there’s me … who wants to feel their skin melt off.

The water and two masks definitely made my skin feel things. Mostly feel dry. Since going, I can’t seem to put enough lotion on my skin to satisfy it. My skin does feel flushed and fresh, though. So I’d say it was successful.

Bottom line, if you’re in Reykjavik, then you should definitely go. It’s way too expensive for what you get (about $80 for the Comfort level of two masks, a towel, and a drink), but it’s a bucket list experience. It’s also one of the 25 wonders of the world!

Did I mention that it’s freaking cold in Iceland? Because it is. Definitely true to its name.

Blue Lagoon

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  • krisa June 26, 2017 at 11:42 am

    Wow, I always thought that the people jumped into cold water?! Now, this makes sense! I love reading these Blogs! Did a lot of people speak English there?

    • Meagan Tilley June 26, 2017 at 2:58 pm

      Ooooh no. Definitely warm water! Aw, thanks! Yeah, they did speak a lot of English; never ran into issues!