Sitting in the Sun and Eating Noodles

July 19, 2017


I’m going to be straight forward – today’s travel post is weak.

Having still not kicked my fever and runny nose, I barely did anything today.

However, it was an absolutely gorgeous day in Edinburgh, and I couldn’t let it go to waste. I went to one of the parks here called The Meadows and just soaked in all of the vitamin D I could get.

I’ve found that when I don’t feel good, I want ALL of the noodles. Maybe because it’s warm, filling, and relatively healthy? I scarfed down that bowl of noodles in 2.5 seconds.

Then? Nap time.

I did, however, spend most of my conserved energy going to dinner with a couple of hostel friends. We went to a wing place and the spices definitely helped with the nose situation.

Then later that night, I had the extreme joy of finding a plastic bag to use as an ice pack for my raging fever.

And that was my day. Jealous, right??

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  • Kim Edwards July 19, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    Noodles are the BEST comfort food!!!!