That Bagpipe Was Totes Lit

July 20, 2017


After traveling for almost 7 weeks now, it’s easy to pass by the same ol’ things in every city. No matter where I am, I always find slow-walking tourists, a street performer encouraging the crowd to “squeeze in closer,” and someone dressed up as a character from Star Wars (generally a really creepy yoda).

So having shielded my heart, it’s easy to miss the good stuff. Therefore it has become my goal to now stop and evaluate. I often ask myself, “Is this good? Is it beautiful? Should I pause my life for it?”

And you know what? 9 times out of 10, the live music is always worth it.

I was headed to the Edinburgh National Gallery to see their tiny collection of Impressionists, and on my way there, I began to hear the open air music. And I was hooked.

The band was called Spinning Blowfish, and they were beyond entertaining. One point they’re doing high-kicks, the next moment the bagpiper was running laps around the crowd.

Special shout out to that fabulous old woman not giving a single care.

After the music and the museum, I went on a mission to find proper medication because this DANG COLD hasn’t left me alone.


If you want to see a full song performance by the Spinning Blowfish, then you’re in luck! I found this on YouTube… haha

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  • Anna T. July 25, 2017 at 1:46 am

    How can someone jump and play the bagpipe the same time?! That’s some strong lungs right there! I’m impressed, haha!

    • Meagan Tilley July 27, 2017 at 6:38 am

      Right?? Like my gosh! I don’t know how he did it.