Driving My Scooter to Shop in Seminyak

November 30, 2017

Ever since arriving into Bali, I’ve been itching to go shopping. The clothes are so cute and perfectly my style – beachy and colorful. But since being here, I haven’t found the time to really shop around.

Until today.

Today it was my mission to hit the shopping hot spots in Seminyak and spend dat ca$h!!

Just kidding, I was limiting myself to four items – ideally a dress, two tops, and one pair of shorts. My backpack is unforgiving when it comes to over-packing.

I topped off my scooter’s gas tank and headed out. My plan was to hit some stores in Canggu, but mostly shop at the surf store outlets (Billabong, Rip Curl, etc.) in Seminyak.

The thing is, Bali’s roads are not easy to navigate. Everything looks like a random alley. I kid you not, I pulled over and checked my GPS at least 15 times throughout the day. I definitely got lost a few times as well. And when traffic proved to be too dangerous for me to drive, I parked my scooter and got a taxi (a scooter taxi!).

Shopping was actually harder than I expected. These clothes have to qualify through a lot of things. Right size, right fit, right price, matches most of the items in my backpack, etc.

Side note: what does this shirt even mean??


I fell in love with this beautiful white linen tank top that fit perfectly. I was so pumped to finally find something after shopping for hours without any luck. I went to pay for it, and they couldn’t find the price tag. It was also the last one in stock.

They refused to sell me the shirt.

I politely asked to speak to the manager (twice), and he refused to see me. So needless to say, I do not have this beautiful shirt in my possession. I left pretty frustrated. I did find two really pretty dresses, so I guess it’s a consolation prize.

Later that night, after waiting out a rainstorm so I could drive back to Canggu, my Kiwi friend and I finished watching Stranger Things. Ah snap, so good!!

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  • Anna T. December 10, 2017 at 10:56 pm

    Hmm, so maybe like “No problemo” but with a “llama” instead of “lemo”? Haha

    • Meagan Tilley December 13, 2017 at 8:58 pm

      Hahaha! I was later informed that yes, it’s a play on words. Good catch! It completely went over my head.