A Bit of Reading and Wandering

October 8, 2017

With it being my last day in Dubrovnik, I actually didn’t have anything on my agenda. But I kind of love days like this.

I decided on three very lovely to-dos:

  1. Read my book in the sunshine
  2. Take photos around town using my 35mm lens
  3. Stop off at the super cute cafe up the road from my hostel

I mean, woof. Such an awful to-do list, but someone has to do it 😉

And I carried out the plan to completion. I spent a few hours writing postcards back home and continue reading my book. The temperatures in Dubrovnik are nice and warm during the peak day hours which makes it perfect for tank tops.

Then I had a bit of a wander while I took photos. I love this lens, but I find that I don’t use it as much as my 18-55 lens. To be honest, I wish I had an even wider lens. But whatcha gonna do?

Then I went to that super adorable spot called Beach Bar Dodo, and it was so wonderfully calm and relaxing. The views are just perfect.


I do love a good, packed out day. But sometimes? I like to have nothing pressing on my agenda. You definitely need days like today.

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