Taking Topdeck | Interlaken

May 25, 2015

Driving into Interlaken was like driving into a postcard picture. The town’s vibrant colors are both individually as well as collectively beautiful. Each color demands your eye’s attention, and together they are like a masterpiece. This is a wonderful town to take a break from the bustling city, and you’ll leave feeling mystified and refreshed.


My time with Topdeck in Interlaken has been my favorite time thus far on the tour. The hostel was cozy, and it created a home-like environment which allowed even more opportunity to get to know one another. Whether us Topdeckers were hiking, experiencing snow for the first time, jumping out of a plane, or taking a train through the mountains, we did it with heaps of laughter.


I didn’t exactly have a whole lot of expectations for Interlaken, but I quickly became passionate about it and felt like an authentic local. The first night we arrived, a few friends and I decided to explore a small part of the town before dinner. I’m pretty sure I squealed every five seconds from the cuteness of all the idyllic window shutters and shingled roofing. There was never a shortage of bright doors and medieval looking flags.


The next day was our free day to do whatever was our heart’s desire. For a few of us Topdeckers, Interlaken’s clear waters and brisk weather drew us to the mountains and rivers. We set off to hike Harder Kulm which we often referred to as Heidi Klum.


Okay – here’s the deal. I might not be in Iron Man shape, but I’m not air and bones either. The climb is incredibly steep for a hike, and it kicked my booty. If you’re an avid hiker, then you will love this. If you’re a casual hiker, then maybe not so much. Someone asked me if I was glad I did the climb, and I responded, “I’m proud of the accomplishment of making it to the top, but next time, I’m taking the train.” Below is picture of the mountain that we climbed as well as a picture of some cows on the trail.




After all of the intense climbing, we still had to walk through the town and head back to our hostel. This turned out to actually be a really fun time since there were so many cute shops to stop in and see. Whether we were shopping for Swiss chocolate, Swiss Army knives, or designer clothing, Interlaken delivered it on its main boulevard.



One of my absolute favorite things while in Interlaken was staying at Balmer’s Hostel. There are so many turns and staircases in this hostel that it’s an adventure just in discovering what’s all in it. Some of the awesome features include an outdoor relaxation room with hammocks, a hot tub with a stellar view of the Alps, or an underground pub/club that gets exciting come late evening.


What I ate in Interlaken:

  • Cheese fondue: It took a few bites to get accustomed to it, but once I did, I couldn’t stop eating it.
  • Swiss Sausage: If you know me, then you know I’m not a fan of sausage. I gave it one bite just to give it a try. It was okay, but I don’t think I’m a fair judge.


What’s next? Avignon, France! Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat to stay up to date!

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