Our Private Infinity Pool Overlooking the Jungle

December 5, 2017


Travel days are usually not very fun, but they’re especially not fun when you’re leaving your fancy-pantsy villa in the middle of Ubud’s jungle. Like, can’t I just live here for forever? Is that allowed? And can someone else pay for the bill?

Here are a few things that I will miss:

  • The infinity pool because just look at it. An obvious choice.
  • Taking a bath with the big glass windows overlooking the jungle
  • The turn down service that also delivered macaroons
  • Having an endless supply of high-end lotion
  • Chauffeurs and buggy drivers that pick us up at a drop of a hat
  • That view


But we mournfully left our little paradise with our eyes excited for our next adventure: Gili T.

To get to Gili T, however, is a bit of a confusing mess. You have everyone and their mother trying to sell you tickets on their fast boat or shuttle service. It’s incredibly hard to know what’s a good deal and when you’re getting ripped off. Basically I learned to follow Selena’s advice. Eventually we booked with one of our drivers from that week, and he promised us a good deal with his connections.

Did that happen? We have no idea. All I know is, I paid my money and got on the boat. And sometimes that’s the best thing you can do while traveling. Cut your loses and move on.

We got on the boat, and it’s a bit cramped. Like, just a little.


When we finally arrived into Gili T, the rain had made the roads super yucky. I was fine because I have a backpack, but unfortunately Christen had luggage. We grabbed – I kid you not – a horse-drawn buggy to deliver us to our resort. It was an experience. Kind of a sad one in my opinion.

Then we had this wonderful welcome.


Apparently Christen and I were celebrating our honeymoon. Haha!

After experiencing rainy season in Bali for two weeks straight, I was pumped to see the sun in Gili T. I actually got to lay by the pool and work on my tan! Glory.

Later Christen and I went looking for some dinner and ended up at an Irish restaurant and bar. In Indonesia. Honestly, these suckers are everywhere in the world. In all fairness though, the food was actually really good.

And look what one of the workers made me!


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