A Year of Summer: Traveling Across 5 Continents in Search of Courage and Culture

May 18, 2017

rsz_dscf3169When I was 16 years old, I wrote myself a letter encouraging my adult-self to take an extended trip around the world. And though I briefly toured Europe in 2015, I felt that I left unfinished business when I boarded that flight home. I craved the growth, the experience, and most importantly, the food.

But upon my return from Europe, I was only left with empty pockets and a heavy heart. I knew that corporate America was calling my name. Or maybe that was just the bill collectors calling…

After working at a corporate job for 16 months (with a company that I truly loved working for – how lucky), my bank account and my backpack were ready for another adventure. I’m keeping my promise to my 16-year-old self.

So here I stand – on the precipice of something new and exciting. Taking the next year of my life to chase summer across 5 continents in search of courage and culture.

The Continents I’ll Visit:

  • North America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Oceania


I want to encourage those who feel exasperated and exhausted. Those who feel defeated watching travel bloggers jet set across the globe like it’s the easiest thing to do.

I’m here to tell you – I’m nothin’ fancy, and I did it. And if I can, you can.

That’s not to say that you won’t have to make sacrifices. To help save money, I refused to buy a car and biked/bused to work almost every single day (roughly 369 round trips). Through 20 degree weather, 110 degree weather, biking accidents, and countless bruises, I learned a lot about self-discipline and perseverance. I learned about my priorities.

But the rewards vastly outweigh the sacrifices.

As I board that one way flight, I would love to share my journey with you. Revealing the highs and lows of what solo travel is really like. Sharing my observations, encounters, lessons learned, and again most importantly, the food I ate.

So come with me! I’d love the company.

With love, Meagan.



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  • Michael Lawrence May 19, 2017 at 11:27 am

    I did a Working Holiday Visa in Australia a few years ago and travelled solo. It was such a great experience. Also did a Topdeck tour of Europe solo last year. I’m thinking of doing a year work visa in New Zealand in the next couple years. While all my friends are getting married and having kids in their 20s and early 30s i’m like I still want to see the world.
    You should visit our beautiful country of Canada on your North American lag! Our National Parks are free this year and it’s Canada’s 150th birthday so there is so much to do!

    • Meagan Tilley May 21, 2017 at 10:32 am

      I’m toying with the idea of doing a Working Holiday Visa in Australia. I’m glad to hear you had such a great experience! Which city did you primarily stay in? And yes, I’m right there with you. A lot of my friends have made settling down and starting a family their first priority (which is great for them!), but I’m over here like … soooo, no? No one wants to come with me to Spain?
      Ugh, I would LOVE to see Canada! It looks so beautiful. It’s on my list! Maybe in 2018 …